
The Aesthetic Attitude

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When we see an object or event as an aesthetic object as opposed to the way in which the scientist might view it we see it from the aesthetic attitude a state of perceiving entered into voluntarily and consciously by an agent that serves to both make the agent receptive to having an aesthetic experience and transforms the object of the agents attentions from an ordinary object into an aesthetic object. The aesthetic attitude by Langfeld Herbert Sidney b. The Aesthetic Attitude some half dozen British thinkers Dickie notes not a single occurrence of disinterest edness in their writings comparable to that in Schopenhauer. The Concept of the Aesthetic.


by RM Feezell 1980 Cited by 6 I am sympathetic to S. The general description of such theories is that they maintain that a peculiar state of mind is a necessary if not a sufficient condition for anythings being aesthetic. Quickly translate words phrases and web pages between English and over 70 languages. The Aesthetic Movement was an artistic movement in the late 19th century where artists adopted an attitude of art for arts sake rather than art driven by sociopolitical themes. The current article argues that this alleged conflict only makes sense when the aesthetic attitude and knowledge are construed unnaturally narrowly and that when both are correctly. The Aesthetic Attitude. Development of aesthetic attitude to the world around children. by PEGZ BRAND 2001 Cited by 2 THE AESTHETIC ATTITUDE.